About program creator

Marina Ivanova Is Aerokinesis Program Creator

Trainer and rehabilitation specialist; winner of numerous fitness and bodybuilding prizes.

Marina combines sporting, medical, and psychological methods in her work, creating individual programs for people with special needs.


Tula Choreography School. Basic education
Ben Weider College of Bodybuilding and Fitness, 1993…1995. Personal trainer
St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. Graduated with honors before continuing studies at the Faculty of Medicine
Temenos Institute of Psychology, 1998…2000, graduated with honors. Group therapy trainer
St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work, 2000…2003, graduated with honors. Аpplied psychology, psychologist, instructor. In-depth study of the psychology of personality and sport
East European Psychoanalytic Institute, 2003…2006, graduated with honors. Psychological counseling, psychologist, instructor. Studied diverse forms of therapy, client-centered approaches, and body-oriented techniques
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, 2018. Certified specialist in adaptive physical training and sport
Qualified in massage techniques and methods. Key areas of expertise include chiromassage and rehabilitation and recovery massage
All programs created by Marina Ivanovna:

Aerokinesis⁠ ⁠— Rehabilitation in a wind tunnel environment
Aquakinesis⁠ ⁠— Rehabilitation in an aquatic environment
Genders⁠ ⁠— Rehabilitation for gender-related issues
Kinesis-oriented rehabilitation through hall exercises

Projects Get Started